Please report any name omissions with graduating year to: jimnoel1925@hotmail.com
Those who have
preceded us in passing....
Class of 1940
(Click on each name to view their obituary.)
6. Ruth Eleanor (Barnsgrove) Cook
8. Mildred Christine (Bennett) Meador
10. John Dwight Bird
12. Alvin Burton
13. Eloise Ann (Burton) Richards
14. Dorothy Charlton (Cales) Fox
16. Helen Wilson (Charlton) Wise
19. Norma Cahtern (Creger) Lewis
21. Julian B. Dodd
22. Nadine Frances (Dodd) Deeds
25. Vida (Farley) Young Bennett
26. Kathryn Mae (Foster) Massey
27. Mary Elsie Fox
29. Betty Doris (Givens) Bruce
30. Paul Edward Gore
32. Beverly Jean (Hamer) Moore
33. Silas Hannah
35. Kenneth Larkin "Buck" Harvey
36. Mildred Juanita (Hinton) Crawford
38. Wilmurth (Houchins) Gregory
39. Lloyd Hunter
40. Betty Jo (Keffer) Starbuck
43. Alma Frances (Lane) Godbey
44. Garnet Marie (Lane) Cooper
47. Joe Lindsay
48. Marguerite (McCallister) Ellison

49. Anna Jean (McCarthy) Anderson
50. Pauline McNeil
52. Philip Meador
55. Julian Meadows
56. Marvin Meadows
57. Ronald Meadows
58. Virginia Dare (Meadows) Thompson
59. Margaret Frances (Miller) Hypes
65. Nora Tina (Plumley) Cooper
67. Margaret (Redden) Williams
69. Lillian Faye (Sowers) Bivens
74. Alton Thompson
76. Donald Via
81. Albert Wolfrey
82. Hobert Woodrum
84. Mary Elizabeth (Wright) O'Dell