Hinton, West Virginia is more than a place on the map. It is a place in your heart. Whether you lived there for a short period or your entire life, Hinton will always be a part of you. A small town with a spirit as big as the mountains that surround it, and the railroad and rivers that run through it, Hinton has provided so many of us with the idyllic childhood you only see on television.
A group of “older” kids made a decision to give back to the town that has given so much to all of us. Thus, the MAKING A DIFFERENCE fund was created within the Hinton Area Foundation. The fund represents a form of “payback”, a way to thank those that helped us realize we could achieve our dreams, and grow up to be the people we are today.
Also, in the spirit of “paying forward”, our efforts can inspire belief in a brighter future for our graduates—reduce the “brain drain” by allowing our young people to find employment and remain in Summers County.
Overall success will be determined through contributions, volunteering, or both. This is not just a monetary issue, and assistance in both of these facets are needed and truly appreciated.
To date, the results from both donations and volunteering have been positive. However, one element is missing, and that is YOU! Please join with us in MAKING A DIFFERENCE in Summers County.
As they always said at the Hinton Depot, “ALL ABOARD”!
Jackie Holt
Robert "Cotty" Farley
Jimmy Noel
Hinton Area Foundation
Making a Difference Fund
(Pass Through Account or Endowment Account)
P.O. Box 217
Hinton, WV 25951